

We start outside of the office of Endelyn and the group discusses what to do next. While Endelyn warned Connie not to go to the female in the basement. Because it will become a bad ending. They go back there. Instead of Connie going. Everyone else goes and Connie stays on the floor above just in earshot to jump down in need be.

They meet Charmay. With out hesertation Osros tries to snatch the small Brigganock called Glomo. Charmay is no trilled about that and demands the characters to go away. When they refuse Charmay casts a spell. 10 pieces of furnature raise and attack. Charmay quickly disappears.

After the battle the party speaks to Glomo. While he has designed the Orrery of Tragedies he tells the party he doesn't know how it works. He doesn't believe it does anything at all. It is powered by the thunder from outside and it turns and twists. But that is it according to Glomo

He knows his way arround the bottom floor of Motherhorn. He takes the party to the performance area where a bugbear is looking sad in a mirror wearing a rigetty dragon costume. His reflection looks grim. Like he is on the cusp of dying. The bugbear tells the party that this is a reflection of what the Dame of Unhappy Endings thinks of him.

The party however still have a normal reflection in the mirror.

The party goes back into the main theater area. Stagefright welcomes them again and asks if they like to perform again. The party questions him where Charmay might be. They are given a few options. After a search they find out that she is in the office of Endelyn

With the use of a familiar they find out that on one of the balconies there is Skabatha rocking horse. They scout out the top floor. And decide to go up to the balcony and see if this rocking horse is the lost unicorn partner of Lamorna.

On their way there they meet Endelyn. She tells the characters not to go where they want to go. A fight breaks out. The party seems to have the upperhand. But while close to dying Endelyn seems to be unable to be killed. And she disappears.

the party makes it to the balcony and fit the unicorn horn to the head of the rocking horse.
The wooden rocking horse is change into a beautiful white and gold unicorn. This is Elidon

On the other balcony beside them they can see Skabatha looking mad

This is where we end the session