

The party start to travel back towards Motherhorn. On their way there, they meet 8 goblins. They carry bone necklaces. The leader of the group tells them they are the Dead Ringers. A group of goblins that sound bells to comfort the dead. They claim that the dead know more than alive people do. And for trade they can summon a dead spirit so it can be asked questions.

The party agrees and makes a deal. The goblins start chanting and ringing their bells. After a minute or so an ethereal kobold appears in the middle of the goblin circle. The party asks:

Just when it answered the 3rd question the ethereal kobold disappears. The goblins are puzzeled and think the questions asked were, not really usefull to ask. To the party discusses and asks if they goblins can summon the spirit again. They tell them they can but only once more. As it takes a lot of energy to do so. Before they start their summoning the party discusses what they should ask the spirit this time.

When the goblins summon a spirit this time, a figure looking like Nib shows being cocooned into thread. They asks the following:

Nib's ghost disappears. They party thanks the goblins and they set forth towards Motherhorn

Once arrived they walk towards the frond door. The door displays a big face that speaks to them:
"The moon-twin is not welcome here. All others may step forward and pass through the black curtain at the end of the entrance hall." The face splits in half.

Elkhorn and Gleam decide to stay outside. The party walks in. They are greeted with a big open air theatre. A goblin in a jester suit, named Stagefright greets them and says there is no time to lose. They have to perform a great tragedy to make the Dame of Unhappy Endings happy. Though there is no time to run through the script. They are given the script that titles "The Lich King’s Revel". Which is a story of a lich king cannot decide which of his three living sons should rule his kingdom, so he throws a party during which his sons are grafted into a single flesh golem.

They party are helped into their costumes and Stagefright tells them he will feed them lines from the side.

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They party gets on stage and they act out a non cohesive play. After the play Stagefright tells the party that the Dame of Unhappy Endings is not happy and they can't have a audience with her. Then the party shows them the invite they have gotten from the robbed figure at the puppet show. Stagefright sighs and asks them why they didn't show this in the first place. He will take this to the Dame of Unhappy Endings and tells the party to stay here.

After some time he returns and tells the party to wait in a library like room. In this room there are 3 goblins darting around who pull books and organize and clean them. In armchairs are sitting 3 robbed figures. With detect magic there is 1 book that has a magical aura. It's titled "Tales of the Gloaming Court, Vol 3". Though they seem not be able to open it. One of the figures in the room instructs them to kiss the frog on the cover. This book tells stories of kings of the Gloaming Court.

In the book they find a vile with a brownish content. An identify spell tells them this contains mummy dust. A very potent poison that slowly kills who ever breaths it in.

Most of this library is filled with black covered books. While reading them it seems they are stories of what have happened. Some passages that jump out are:

All I’ve wrought shall come undone  
When the moon blots out the sun.
The sweet treachery we three have wrought—  
Would Iggwilv forgive us? Ha! I think not.

They like to take one of the books, but get noticed by one of the cloaked figures. And are tolded they cannot take the books out of the library.

Eventually Endelyn Moongrave greets the party. And tells them to follow her. She takes the party upstairs. Where they find a big mechanical contraptions that seems to sparkel with lightning. They are taken into a small room with a small stage on which a big chair stands. Endelyn goes sit in the big chair and tells the party she knows they were coming.

A conversation with Endelyn takes place. In which see keeps saying that she knows all outcomes that can happen. And knows perfectly how to make sure the party cannot have a happy outcome. The party is hesitating what to do.

They also ask what about the stuff they have lost. Endelyn tells them that you can't get eveything back. What they have lost is used to create something magical. And that they have lost it because it's an eye for an eye. They took something that was not theirs to take, so something was taken from them to. And to get what ever she has from the party members. She likes the Unicorn Horn.

Last they ask about Skabatha. Endelyn tells the party she is here. But she doesn't mind the party attacked her. They speak to Endelyn for a long while. Eventually they take there leave for now. Endelyn allows the party to stay in Motherhorn

They party now camps out in Motherhorn
We end the session
